How Offsite Storage Can Save Your Business Money

Many people with small homes have storage units for their extra stuff but don't think about how a storage unit can make their business more money. Here's how working with an office moving and storage company can boost your profits.

Storing Records

If you have client files that you're required to keep on hand for months or even years — such as at a doctor's or lawyer's office — the filing cabinets can take up hundreds of square feet. Rather than paying prime office rent prices for a bigger office, move your archived files to an offsite location.

Many storage facilities offer climate control and extra security that makes record storage perfectly safe, and the rates are much lower than office rent in the city. On the rare occasions that you do need a file, you can simply send a runner over and have it on your desk within an hour or two.

Storing Extra Inventory

Businesses are often offered bulk purchase discounts that they can't take advantage of due to lack of storage space. This means you're leaving profit margin on the table.

If you get quotes for a storage facility, you may find out that it's more profitable to go ahead and buy those large quantities and store the extra offsite. If you have a good inventory management system, you can even hire a moving company to deliver the quantities you need on the days you need them.

Eliminating an Office Location

If you're doing business in certain areas, you may be legally required to have a representative physically located within that jurisdiction. This often means opening up an extra office even if the location isn't adding to your profits.

Many storage facilities offer additional services such as mail handling and registered agents. A registered agent is a person who sits in the storage facility office all day to accept any legal papers or handle other tasks on behalf of the businesses using that facility so the individual businesses don't need to each pay someone to be available.

Cutting Vehicle Costs

If you bring equipment and inventory to your customers' locations, you may be racking up miles on your gas-guzzling large vehicles. If you store what you need closer to your customers, you can use smaller vehicles and reload during the day. For added savings, some locations even allow overnight parking so you don't need to drive your commercial vehicles back to your main location each night.

To learn more about offsite storage, contact office movers.
