How Long-Distance Movers Are Different From Local Movers

Are you getting ready for an upcoming move that will involve traveling very far away? If so, you'll likely want to look into hiring long-distance movers to get the job done. If you have only used local movers in the past, you may be unfamiliar with how long-distance movers are different. Here is what you need to know about using long-distance movers for your upcoming move. Billing Differences The primary way that long-distance movers are going to be different from local movers is how they bill you for the work. Read More 

How To Avoid Overspending On Your Small Move

Moving a whole house is much different from moving a few boxes of household items; the most obvious difference is that a small move is cheaper than a regular move. However, you can still end up paying a lot more than necessary for your small move if you aren't careful. Use the following tips to ensure that never happens to you. Decide Whether to Forgo Minimum Weight Requirement Some moving companies have minimum weight requirements while others don't have such requirement. Read More 

Moving This Winter? 3 Tips To Ensure A Smooth Move

While most people choose to move during the summer because the weather is nicer and the kids don't have to miss school, some people need to move during the winter due to a change of employment. Winter moves are a bit more complicated, often because of the weather, but there are a few things that you can do to make your winter move less stressful. Tip #1: Keep a Close Eye on the Weather Forecast Read More 

Buying And Storing A Piano As A Birthday Gift

For an avid piano player, there is no better gift than a baby grand piano. If you are purchasing a piano for someone that you love, the time to start looking is many months prior to their birthday. When you purchase a piano, you will need to make sure that it matches the playing style of the person that you are buying for. The piano will also need to match the decor style for their home in order in order to be a classy addition to the house. Read More 

How Offsite Storage Can Save Your Business Money

Many people with small homes have storage units for their extra stuff but don't think about how a storage unit can make their business more money. Here's how working with an office moving and storage company can boost your profits. Storing Records If you have client files that you're required to keep on hand for months or even years — such as at a doctor's or lawyer's office — the filing cabinets can take up hundreds of square feet. Read More